• Friday, the 6th of June

    " Can you give me a hand ?"

    because I have go so many thing to do!!


    Well done Célia and Marine : the man wants some help!

    2 commentaires
  • Friday, the 6th of June

    " He has got butterflies in his stomach..."

    probably because he has got an important test in 10 minutes


    OK : la 1ere expression est finie...   Réponse : the man is nervous (il a le trac)

    5 commentaires
  • Thursday, the 5th of June


    What does this strange dog do in the morning?  ( write 5 sentences)

    (attention tu parleras au présent simple car le chien fait ça tous les jours.... et n'oublie pas le "s" aux verbes)

    2 commentaires
  •  Vocabulary games

    Play games

    Grammar Games

    Play games

    Pronunciation Games

    Play games

    ♦  Morning Routine

     Step 6



     Le jeu de mémoire spécial Emilie! 




    C'est un nouveau type de jeux

    où il faut regarder une vidéo

    (au programme : Rapunzel)...


      A dog's life

    Step 6

    Un jeu créé par Marine, Lucas et Julien (402)



  • Tuesday, the 3rd of June


    Where is the woman?  What does she want?

    What is her problem?...


    Bravo Marine d'abord et bravo Célia ensuite. J'ai adoré la délicatesse dont vous avez fait preuve pour cette jeune fille!!!

    9 commentaires

    Riddle n°14

     (déposée le 2 Juin 2014)

    What travels all around the world and stays in a corner?

    10 commentaires
  •  Thursday, the 29th of May


    What do the grandmother and the grandfather love?

    Who is the winner of the "fight"? Explain why?

    5 commentaires
  • Riddle n°13

     (déposée le 25 Mai 2014)

    Puisque vous avez bien aimé les jeux de lettres et de réflexion,en voilà un autre qu'il faudra expliquer dans vos réponses

    Why is the letter "T" like an island? 

    Ici "like" n'est pas un verbe. "like" veut dire "comme, pareil à" en gros on cherche à savoir pourquoi la lettre T ressemble à une île...

    Another point for Kamelia!

    6 commentaires

    Riddle n°12

     (déposée le 23 Mai 2014)

    It is 7 A.M. . Your parents knock on your door. They want to eat breakfast with you.

    You are confused but quickly think of what food you have have got at home .

    You have some bread, some jam, some butter, and some eggs.

    What do you open first?


     Bravo Célia, tu marques ton premier point!

    5 commentaires
  • Wednesday, the 21st of May


    Good morning!

    Where is the man? What day is it? What does he eat for breakfast? What does he drink?

    (n'oubliez pas les "s" aux verbes pour vos réponses...)


     Excellent Emilie and Kamélia : the man is indeed at home in his kitchen, it is Sunday, he eats some toast and some eggs for breakfast and he drinks coffee. Célia is right too : he is very unlucky...or maybe clumsy!

    4 commentaires