Numbers ♦ numbers (from 1 to 10) ♦ numbers (from 11 to 20) ♦ numbers (from 1 to 100) (Lance le dé et trouve la bonne réponse)
Lire la suiteQuestion words are very important if you want to ask questions or if you want to answer questions ♦ an easy matching game ♦ a fill the gap game ♦ a millionnaire game
Lire la suitePronouns are used to replace nouns.Let's start with the pronouns you must use to replace a subject in a sentence First, refresh your memory with this mental map (click to enlarge) Then, click on the picture to practice what you know
Lire la suiteListen and write the lesson in your exercise book. Click on the picture or press the button
Lire la suiteWatch the video and find information about the boy. 1. How old is Kyle? 2. Where is he from? 3. Where does he live? 4. What does he love doing? 5. What does he like ? 6. Is he shy? Click on the picture or here to watch the video Si tu as besoin d'aide...
Lire la suiteListen and answer the 4 questions in your exercise book 1. How old is the girl? 2. When was she born? 3. Who is Mary? 4. What do they love doing? Click on the picture or press the button
Lire la suiteListen to the Judith and find the answer to 4 questions : 1. How old is she? 2. What nationality is she ? 3. When is her birthday ? 4. Where does she live during the holidays? Click on the picture or press the button
Lire la suiteWatch the video and answer the questions in your exercise book. 1. How many people have got red hair in Scotland? 2. What sport is a scottish invention? 3. What is the national drink? What is the nickname of this drink? Here is the link on YouTube if...
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