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Comic strip creators

Comic strip creators

En AP, les élèves de 5ème travaillent sur la création de BD : séanari et personnages.Voici un avant goût des productions. Une super création d'Atilla qui a fourni un travail remarquable tant au niveau de l'imagination que d l'anglais. Bravo! "A space...

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Les travaux des 504

Les travaux des 504

Kid with baseball bat - 1995 By Louise Supermarket Lady - 1970- By Sana Woman with child in a stroller -1985- By Cassandra Cowboy - 1984 - By Alexis Woman with child in a stroller -1985- By Mathilda Man on Mower -1995 - By Mickaël Child with a puzzle...

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Les travaux des 503

Les travaux des 503

Supermarket Lady - 1970- By Thomas Self portrait with model 1979 By Jean Nathan Children playing game - 1979 - By Agnes House Painter 1984 By Milena Kid with baseball bat - 1995 By Atilla Supermarket Lady - 1970- By Amandine Beagle in a basket -1988-...

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Play Games 6ème stop 5

Play Games 6ème stop 5

School objects ♦ a memory game (avec du son!) ♦ a vocabulary game (pour écrire les mots) Pets ♦ a maze game (with pets and animals) ♦ a pair game ♦ a matching game (listen and learn) La possession ♦ an easy game with the Simpsons ♦ a fling the teacher...

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The 9/11 Memorial

The 9/11 Memorial

The 9/11 memorial is a place dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 attack over Lower Manhattan. Watch the video to learn about the memorial site C

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The Freedom Tower

Watch the news on ABC from the 11/03/2014 and discover The One World Trade Center. Erected on "Ground zero, the 1WTC is the highest skyscraper in the Northern hemisphere. How high is it? Why?

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Let's speak English

Let's speak English

By Florian and Guillaume (601) By Clémentine and Lucas (601) By Etienne and Sébastien (601) By Jade and Olivia (601) By Florian and Guillaume (601) By Samantha and Cassandra (601) By Julia and Coline (604- 605) By Sondous and Rania (604- 605) By Ji-Yan...

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Present simple ou present en BE+ING?

Present simple ou present en BE+ING?

The 2 present tenses ♦ a matching game and another one ♦ a drag in the bin game (clique sur "proceed" pour commencer le jeu) ♦ a quizz game ♦ a drag and drop game

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The 9/11 attack

9/11 These two numbers are a date : the ninth of September 2001. It is one of the most important date in American history (more people were killed on that day than during Pearl Harbour attack). At the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan, 2,753...

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The Empire State building

The Empire State Building

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