Parler du passé : le verbe BE ♦ a fill the gap game Parler du passé : les verbes réguliers ♦ une carte pour bien prononcer le "ed"(click on it) ♦ a listen and match game ♦ prononciation : le -ed ♦ The flying men (un jeu sur la prononciation du "ed") Parler...
Lire la suiteSimple present ♦ a fill the gap game ♦ a grammar game...
Lire la suiteThere are two games for you to play to practise using adverbs of frequency in English. Play a game Play another game Flash was unable to load. You either have JavaScript turned off, an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player or the Flash Player is not...
Lire la suiteThe 2 present tenses ♦ Un jeu en français pour être sûr d'avoir compris... ♦ a matching game and another one ♦ a fill the gap game ♦ a quizz game ♦ a drag and drop game
Lire la suiteUne carte conçue par Agnes P.Imbert ♦ a fill the gap game on Mrs Doubtfire ♦ a listening game ♦ an easy exercise with funny pictures ♦ a grammar game ♦ a fill the gap game A cute slide show made buy a cat lover!
Lire la suite♦ an easy matching game (pour réviser les expressions) ♦ a fill the gap game (with dogs at the beach) ♦ a listening game ♦ a listen and match game (with funny and tell me what's your favourite picture in the game)) A little lesson...
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