In Grafton Street in Dublin, you can see the statue of Molly Mallone. The statue was dedicated by the Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1987 during the Dublin Millennium celebrations. It was the 13th of June and this day became Molly Malone day. “Molly Malone”...
Lire la suiteIreland is an ancient country where mythology has always played an important role. In the ancient time, druids and the celtic people believed in the power of magic. In modern Ireland, the power of ancient legends are still present. 10. The Banshee The...
Lire la suiteThe leprechaun is the most famous fairy living in Ireland. Leprechauns started appearing in Irish legend in the medieval times. Traditionally, leprechauns are tall fairies and often appear to humans as an old man – much different from the modern view...
Lire la suiteToday is Thanksgiving in the USA. There is a tradition : the president pardons a turkey... (une étrange tradition, où le président des USA accorde sa grâce à une dinde qui ne sera pas mangée pour Thanksgiving!) Watch and enjoy! Aux élèves d'anglais +...
Lire la suitePremière étape : sur la côte Ouest des USA en Californie 2 little questions : What wuld you like to see in San Francisco? Where can you have a great view over San Francisco ?
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