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On the news

Watch the video and anser the questions in the comment section 1. Who is this man? 2.Why is he on the news? 3. Why did he win it ?

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Have fun during the holidays

Une petite video pour animer les journées pluvieuses en apprenant des "tours" Here is a funny video for rainy days. You can learn how to play "tricks" on your friends

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Teachers on strike!

Teachers on strike!

1) L' option Anglais + Proposée depuis 2010 aux élèves de 4ème et depuis 2015 aux élèves de 3ème, cette option offrait la possibilité à ceux qui le souhaitaient de renforcer leurs compétences et leurs connaissances en Anglais (2 heures/semaine). Vous...

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Where are our visitors from?

Where are our visitors from?

You can see on the left a new widget. It shows that our blog is now international! What countries are our visitors from? (Send your answers in English in the comment box) US CA TN BE ES The USA (thank you Camille) Canada (thank you Léo) Tunisia (thank...

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The holidays are over

The holidays are over

I promised some of you I would share some photos. So, here we are ! Let's start with Los Angeles and the Walk of Fame on Holywood boulevard. And what about practising your English ? Question for the 6ème pupils : Can you describe the photo on the right?...

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You are back. Quack quack is still on my desk and he is very happy to see you. Especially because he has got a nice little girlfriend now...

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