Frequency ♦ a grammar game... ♦ Frequency adverbs and expressions ♦ Two original British games
Lire la suiteNow you can play games ! Telling the time ♦ a game on digital time ♦ a matching game with clocks ♦ a listening and matching game ♦ a speed game (my character was safe in 120 seconds can you do better?)
Lire la suiteUne petite révision en image.... Click on the picture to enlarge et des jeux pour s'entrainer ♦ a reordering game ♦ a multiple choice game
Lire la suite♦ an easy millionnaire game ♦ a fill the gap game ♦ a second millionnaire game (il faut coisir entre pronoms sujet et déterminants possessifs)
Lire la suiteQuestion words are very important if you want to ask questions or if you want to answer questions ♦ an easy matching game ♦ a fill the gap game ♦ a millionnaire game
Lire la suitePronouns are used to replace nouns.Let's start with the pronouns you must use to replace a subject in a sentence First, refresh your memory with this mental map (click to enlarge) Then, click on the picture to practice what you know
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