•    A moment of fun with a funny video 

    4 commentaires
  • Sunday, the 2nd of August

    The man hasn't got Direct TV, and a lot of things go wrong in his life...

    What happens to him?

    Ecoutez, regardez et retrouvez les étapes qui conduisent cet homme sur le banc...

    1 commentaire
  • Monday, the 21st of July


    Watch, listen and answer four questions.... come on you are on holidays, you must be full of energy  ;-)

    Who is the baby in the video? How old is he? What country is he in?

    How much are his dungarees?

    ("dungarees" is plural in English like trousers, shorts, etc... in French it is singular, it means "une salopette")

    2 commentaires


    Wednesday, the 10th of July

    Who is the principal character ? Give your opinion about the character and explain why.


    2 commentaires
  • Thursday, the 5th of June


    What does this strange dog do in the morning?  ( write 5 sentences)

    (attention tu parleras au présent simple car le chien fait ça tous les jours.... et n'oublie pas le "s" aux verbes)

    2 commentaires
  • Tuesday, the 3rd of June


    Where is the woman?  What does she want?

    What is her problem?...


    Bravo Marine d'abord et bravo Célia ensuite. J'ai adoré la délicatesse dont vous avez fait preuve pour cette jeune fille!!!

    9 commentaires
  •  Thursday, the 29th of May


    What do the grandmother and the grandfather love?

    Who is the winner of the "fight"? Explain why?

    5 commentaires
  • Wednesday, the 21st of May


    Good morning!

    Where is the man? What day is it? What does he eat for breakfast? What does he drink?

    (n'oubliez pas les "s" aux verbes pour vos réponses...)


     Excellent Emilie and Kamélia : the man is indeed at home in his kitchen, it is Sunday, he eats some toast and some eggs for breakfast and he drinks coffee. Célia is right too : he is very unlucky...or maybe clumsy!

    4 commentaires
  • Monday the 19th of May


    Have a break!

    Where is the man? What animals does he love ? What can they do ?


    Bravo Amandine, ta réponse était parfaite !

    4 commentaires
  • Sunday the 11th of May


    Smoking can kill!

    What does the man think is under the carpet? What is really under the carpet ?


    Bravo à Sandro qui a été super clair et à Ilsée qui s'est attendrie sur le sort du pauvre hamster...

    3 commentaires

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