• Observe bien l'image, lis attentivement le petit texte en dessous (fais bien attention au détails).

    Quand ça sera fait, clique sur le jeu et défie Mrs Johns. A la clé? Un carambar peut-être...

    What a messy bedroom! It is surprising because Tracy is a very serious girl. She is from Toronto.

    She is 12 1/2 years old. Her birthday is on the 22nd of December, only three days before Christmas.

    She lives in a small house with her parents and her two brothers. Her mother is a dance teacher and

    her father is a chef in an Italian restaurant. They have got two beautiful grey rabbit.

    Tracy loves cats but her mother is allergic to cats, so they haven't got any. She is very sporty. She can

    dance very well. She  can play football quite well. She loves music but she is not very artistic.

    She can't draw at all and she can only sing a little.


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