• Les élèves de 3ème rentrent de vacances, la tête pleine de souvenirs qu'ils partagent avec nous in English of course!

    Afficher l'image d'origine

    Click on the frog and enjoy their videos

  • Let's start with some boys who did an excellent job in acting and editing

    Summer holidays (305)

    Now, two boys who watch too many adverts on TV...

    Summer holidays (305)

    I loved this sketch : the two girls really made me laugh!

    Summer holidays (305)

    I'm sure you will find this sketch very cool...

    Summer holidays (305)

    Another very good sketch. Well done boys!

    Summer holidays (305)

    I have kept the girls for the end...because it's always good to finish on a quiet note...

    Summer holidays (305)

    votre commentaire
  • I had a good laugh watching these two girls who are really good actresses!

    Summer holidays (303)

    I was very happy with this sketch. I think both girls did a very good job!

    Summer holidays (303)

    Now two crazy girls who were full of beans when they shot their sketch!

    Summer holidays (303)


    2 commentaires
  • Let's start with 3 little Misses who  played their sketch so well that they sounded like real English girls!

    My summer holidays

    Let's carry on with Adam and Gregory , two Utubers who are really good at editing videos! I'm jealous...http://www.gif-maniac.com/gifs/52/52100.gif

    My summer holidays

    Now it's time to listen to Mathias and Mederic. Yes, we can only listen to them because they haven't made a decent video

    I am very proud of Louise and Nina's video. Congratulation girls!

    Summer holidays (302)

    Mathilde and Marie had fun shooting this little film and I had fun watching it Afficher l'image d'origine

    Summer holidays (302)


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